This story takes place in an underground world named the City of Ember. Since the city is underground, there is no natural sunlight. The lights are made by a huge machine. Since the machine is getting old, the lights flicker on and off. As the city is running low on materials in the storerooms and the lights began to fail, two teenagers, Lina and Doon started finding a way out of the Ember.
I give this book an 9/10 because I love how the story is based on a city called Ember and which is underground. I really liked the author’s imagination of an underground world, with people living there. I think it is kind of disgusting, but in the same time, it is very new. It is disgusting for me because, it is underground. It could be dirty and looks really uncomfortable living in a world without sunlight.
I loved all the characters that appeared in the book. Different characters with different personalities and how the characters developed. Although I really liked the book, and especially the characters and the setting, I would have made book, not a series. I like when readers begin thinking about what it is going to happen. Since this book is a series, if the first book doesn’t continue, then you can on to the next book and find out. I would have just made one book with no answer so that the readers can find out on their own. I would have just made it just one, whole book with everything in it.
I enjoyed this book when Mr D read it to us.